In a world where everything is on line it is important to become internet savvy. Internet safety is mostly the responsibility of the individual, along with privacy. Being smart while using the internet is the best way to keep your information safe and not public. Knowing the line between what is ok and not ok to put on the internet is very important these days. Companies, like Facebook, can do their best to keep to keep your information off the public circuit, but in reality it comes down on the individuals shoulder to be smart with their information.
Being aware of predators and others that might want to access your information is important. Predators are out there and it is an individual’s responsibility to learn more about them and how to protect themselves against them. There are others like employers or future employers that also might try to access your personal information. This is another reason to be smart with the information that one puts on the internet.
As the internet is changing, the people using it should adapt to be smarter when using it. Identity, Safety, and Privacy on the internet have become issues mostly due to lack of knowledge or updates. So it is important to stay up to date on the internet changes, and how it might affect an individual’s identity, privacy, and safety.