Most people don't realize the kinds of dangers that are on the internet. The internet is one of the most widely used technologies today. Weather its used for business or social networking; it has become one of the fastest growing tools in the world. With all these people using the internet, not to many people realize the dangers of using it improperly. Internet safety and privacy have become a growing issue. As the internet grows, people should stay knowledgeably on how to use it safely. There are dangers of using the internet unprotected, such as cyber stocking, identity theft, viruses, and more. People need to become more aware of these and other dangers when using the internet. It is wise to take the time to protect your computer and yourself, and be informed on how to protect yourself.
I chose this topic because I've personally been hacked on Facebook before, and I think people need to be more informed on some of the dangers the internet holds. A lot of internet safety is using common sense and being aware of what's out there.