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Monday, February 28, 2011

Consumer Privacy

 I was curious about how important internet privacy was to people, so I did a little research. I went to Google Scholar and found an article clip from the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.

It first introduced how the internet is used for everything these days, emphasizing the online market. It talked about marketers following consumer characteristics and shopping trends, and how consumers’ information is in a database available for marketers.

Policy makers are concerned with protecting consumers’ rights especially concerning privacy and security of personal and financial information. It then discusses online disclosure of retail practices; how disclosures may effect consumer behavior and prevent consumer concerns about internet privacy and safety. They use consumer surveys to determine the relations between retailer practices and consumer ideas of risks and intentions about products.

The article presents all this information in a factual manner, providing facts from surveys about consumers’ ideas. For this reason the article relies on the use of logos to produce its argument.

 The overall consensus of the article was that policymakers need to take this internet privacy seriously and keep up with privacy laws; especially in regards to the online e-commerce. It gave suggestions like disclosures and how they affect consumer relations. Internet privacy is still an issue today and will always be as long there is an in increase in online shopping and more.

Internet Identity

How does someone define their identity on the internet? Is it by what people know about them, or what comes up when they search for themselves on Goggle?

These days someone’s identity on the internet can be defined by a number of things. There is so much more personal information put on the internet than ever before. Have you ever goggled yourself and wondered where some of the information came from? One of the first things that pop up from your search is probable something from Facebook or Twitter . The most common places to build you’re so called internet identity these days.

Your identity on the internet is more of a collection of all information about you that has been put on the internet. It ranges from things like Facebook, to papers you might have written for school, to online games you are a part of, to activities you have participated in, or even to organizations you are a part of.  Your internet identity will be defined by the amount personal information you put on the internet. As more of our personal information is put on the internet the more accessible it is to others. This is why people need to be more aware of what they are putting on the internet. Once information is on the internet it is there for good, as the Social Network movie put it correctly “The internet isn’t written in pencil Mark, it’s written in ink.” Whenever you do Google your name, the search engine will pull your name from where ever it finds it.